B&B International Consulting helps people to manage their identity and assimilate much seamlessly with their communities. We are motivated to make business easy for our clients in their country of operations. B&B International will continue to render high quality services timeously delivered to our esteemed customers. We seek to improve our service delivery through cocreation and constructive feedback from our clients.
We provide array of services to our clients across the globe. We deal with identity management and registration of National Identification Number (NIN) to Nigerians in the diaspora. We help businesses wanting to explore business opportunities in Nigeria and Ireland to get the right partners and help them to set up their businesses.
We help international businesses to conduct due diligence operations on their prospective partners. This enables our clients to take informed decisions about the technical (material resources), expertise and financial capabilities of the partners. We offer consultancy, project management, company promoter operations for our clients to help prospective investors make typical investment decisions in Nigeria and West African Countries.
We help prospective international students from Nigeria, the rest of Africa, and Saudi Arabia, gain admission into the universities in Ireland, most notably in the South East Technological University (SETU). We offer advice on the admission process and help them integrate fast into the school communities.
Our services are tailored specific to our clients at affordable prices. We engage in continuous improvements of our operations based on feedback from our clients.